2019年3月7日,美国高校高考招生联盟(美国高招联,正式成立于2019年 2月)正式发布了五个核心合作院校的高考招生简章。 美国高招联致力于帮助申请者通过中国高考分数进入美国高等教育机构。 作为在中国的招生联盟,美国高招联将会于从1000万中国高考学生中招募并录取第一批学生,让他们于2019年秋季入读美国大学。 美国高招联将会为第一批学生以及之后的申请者提供高考录取的最佳实践和其后的长期成功数据。美国高招联目前由五个核心合作院校组成:加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校,西新英格兰大学,圣地亚哥峡谷学院,夏威夷大学卡皮欧拉尼社区学院和北德克萨斯大学…
American Gao Kao Admission Consortium Announces Official Admission Bulletin for 2019 Chinese Gao Kao students
March 7, 2019. Officially established in February 2019, the Gao Kao Admission Consortium (GKAC) has released Gao Kao Admission Bulletins for its five core institutions. GKAC strategically focuses on the use of Gao Kao scores for admission to U.S. higher education institutions. Recruiting in China as a Consortium, GKAC recruits from the 10 million Chinese Gao Kao student pool and will admit its first cohort in Fall 2019 into the U.S. higher education system. GKAC will provide best practice strategies as well as long-term success data from its initial cohort and beyond. GKAC is currently comprised of five core partner institutions: California State University-Fresno, Western New England University, Santiago Canyon College, the University of Hawaii-Kapiolani Community College, and the University of North Texas…